Monday, May 7, 2012

It all started the end of March 2011. I went to my dr. and told him I wanted to stop smoking . It was unhealthy , it was expensive , and I was just tired of the My dr. gladly gave me a prescription of Chantix. I put off getting the prescription filled. I am a chronic procrastinator , and honestly very unmotivated about the fact that I hopefully would not be smoking any more. Finally in may 2011 I said to myself ..."ok its time". I went and got the Chantix prescription filled. I started taking  the Chantix a day later. I thought hmmm I dont know all the hype about this medication is, I feel fine. I did get a bit of nausea  right after I took it , but honestly . I did not feel angry or suicidal or anything. I felt normal. Within 10 days ,bam... I put the cigs down and could have cared less if I ever picked them up again.

 Early June 2011 still not smoking. I was however out of breath a whole lot of the time. I thought to myself ,for goodness sake I could feel better if I smoked . I was still determined by then to stay and ex smoker. Mind you I was still popping the Chantix 2 times a day as required. I went to the dr. about my breathing . The dr. scheduled me for a stress echo cardiogram. I took the test and my heart seemed to be ok. The people giving me the echo said you get out of breath WAY too fast , but still nothing wrong with my heart. The dr. then scheduled me for a pulmonary test . You know the one you blow in the tube until your lungs are gonna explode. No sign of any lung problems, like COPD , or Chronic bronchitis.  All those  tests  came back normal. I did blood work.40 years old ,  Great cholesterol levels, every thing came back great. I was healthy as a horse ( my dr's exact words). I finally just gave up, and contributed my shortness of breath to being an ex smoker ,  and not the most athletic person in the world. I stopped the Chantix at the beginning of July, when the prescription ran out.

November 2011 . My partner and I had road out to get something to eat. I told him wow dinner really gave me heartburn. I got back home. I took some antacids. By this time my shirt , and pants were soaking wet and I was very light headed. I felt like I was up side down. I told my partner " I think we need to go to the hospital". At that moment the burning in my chest was unbearable.  I get to the ER asap. I walk in and the dr's do an EKG and see I AM HAVING A HEART ATTACK.. I was rushed up stairs and put into surgery and a stent was placed in my back heart artery. A clot had formed. A few days went by and I got out of the hospital. My cardiologist specifically told me . He was baffled by the fact I had an unexplained heart attack. He said it happens but not often. HE then asked me if I had taken any drugs. I laughed at him and said" no  I never have done illegal drugs". He said no" I mean prescription drugs." I said "yes Chantix to quit smoking , but that was months ago." My cardiologist's said" Im not saying that Chantix caused this for sure  , but that's a dangerous drug and I would not recommend ANYONE taking it".

January of 2012 I started researching Chantix heart attacks. I got a lawyer and still waiting to see what happens. Im not out to get rich , but I will never be the same. I will be on pills for the rest of my life, my heart will be damaged some what forever , and I will question the confidence I had in my body pre- heart attack. I have no scientific proof this drug did this to me , but I feel it in my gut. I am still not smoking , but was it worth it. Id like to hear any and everyone's experience.

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